NEW Rocky shirts! Flyers are coming home today or tomorrow with students. Orders due by April 30. Exact change only please.
Good evening BES! Just a reminder that all Bucyrus City Schools are on a 2-hr delay tomorrow, Tuesday, 4/9. Elementary doors will open at 10:25 and the tardy bell will ring at 10:40. Please remember there is no breakfast served on 2-hr delay days. Thank you!
Good morning BES Families,
The district generously received eclipse glasses from the Bucyrus Rotary Club and will come home today with all elementary students. Please review the attached letter to accompany the glasses.
In addition, please remember there is No School on Monday, April 8 due to the Solar Eclipse and a 2-Hour Delay on Tuesday, April 9 due to the increased traffic and out of town visitors anticipated in Bucyrus and surrounding areas.
Thank you!
State testing begins this week for English Language Arts for grades 3, 4, and 5. To help your child do their best on the test, please make sure they get a good night's sleep the night before, eat a good breakfast, and arrive on time to school each day for testing. Testing begins at 9:15 every morning. If at all possible, please ensure doctor's appointments are on non-testing days.
Testing Schedule:
5th grade ELA: 4/3 and 4/4
4th grade ELA: 4/5 and 4/10
3rd grade ELA: 4/11 and 4/12
More information about Math and Science testing will come closer to time.
Thank you for your continued support!
Good afternoon! Just a reminder BES Parent-Teacher Conferences are tonight until 7:30pm.
Good morning BES! Just a reminder that today is spring picture day at BES. All students will get their pictures taken with an opportunity to purchase pictures at a later date if you choose not to today. Any students purchasing pictures need to bring exact change. Tha
Our elementary students recently enjoyed a visit from bestselling author
Dustin Brady! Mr. Brady has offered to sign and personalize books
for any student who’d like them. To buy signed books for your child,
please visit the website below by Friday, March 15. Signed books
will be delivered to your child’s classroom two to three weeks after
the order window closes.
BES is excited to open our doors tonight to Level Up to Reading with all our families! Literacy Night will be from 5:30-7:30pm. Each grade level has prepared fun activities to engage with our families in reading together. Please join us! While here, don't forget to stop by the Scholastic Book Fair in the library. Please remember, this is a family friendly event, so no student drop offs please.
BES is Leveling Up to Read this week during Right to Read Week!
Reminder on our exciting events planned this week and don't forget our Scholastic Book Fair!
Monday: Hat Day
Buddy reading day where our older students read to our younger students.
Tuesday: Twin Day
Literacy Night- come join our staff for Literacy Night as a family! Join us from 5:30pm-7:30pm to engage in literacy activities as a family. Please no drop offs as this is a family event.
Wednesday: PJ Day
Guest Reader Day- ask your child what school district personnel or community member came to read to them today!
Thursday: Crazy Hair Day
Drop Everything and Read Day- when the song plays, we drop what we're doing to read.
Friday: Video Game Shirt or Favorite Character Day
BES welcomes author Dustin Brady as he present to our students! Stay tuned for ordering information for his books.
It's going to be a GREAT week at BES!
Bucyrus City Schools is excited to open our Preschool and Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 school this Friday, March 1. We are excited to welcome our newest learners to the BES family next year!
Literacy Night is March 5 from 5:30-7:30pm.
Please submit your literacy night RSVP's if you have not already done so to help ensure we prepare enough materials. We're excited to share this event with our families again! The form is attached here or you can contact your child's teacher for an additional form. Only one form per family is needed.
Right to Read Week is coming March 4-8!
Spirit Week Flyer is attached.
** Bucyrus Elementary School will be hosting a Book Fair.
Monday: Buddy Reading
Tuesday: Family Literacy Night 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Wednesday: Guest Readers
Thursday: Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)
Friday: Author Visit from Dustin Brady
* Dustin Brady will share ordering information after his visit.
Reminder to the Bucyrus City Schools family: Schools will be closed Monday, April 8th!
Students performed for the student body today. The programs are amazing! We can't wait for our 2nd and 3rd grade families to experience them.
2nd graders report to their homerooms at 5:45 for their 6:00 performance.
3rd graders report to their homerooms at 6:45 for their 7:00 performance.
Both programs will begin promptly in the auditorium. All students can be picked up back in their homerooms after their performance.
Due to district events Nov. 9ths 5th Grade Breakfast will be postponed. We will contact families at a later time when it has been rescheduled. Thank you for all your support and understanding.
Good afternoon BES Families,
Please check out our October Family Newsletter for important upcoming October and November dates along with details on our Fall Parties on Tuesday, October 31.
Check out October here:
Good evening BES families. Just a reminder that picture day is tomorrow! To order pictures, please preorder online or send in a completed picture form with exact change. Every student will get their pictures taken. Thank you. Have a great evening!
Tomorrow night is PTO Night at Bucyrus Football! Please come cheer on the Bucyrus Redmen Varsity Football team against Cardington Lincoln. Elementary students get in free but must be accompanied by a paying adult. Approximately the first 100 students will receive a free pompom courtesy of our BES PTO. In addition, students can help cheer our Bucyrus Redmen onto the field by joining the tunnel at 6:45. We hope to see you there! Kickoff is at 7:00.
Tomorrow, Monday, August 21 from 4:00-6:00 is our annual BES Open House. Please note that the elementary open house is 4:00-6:00 and not 4:30-6:30. During this time, come meet your teachers, see your classrooms, drop your supplies, and more! The main hallway on the 1st floor will have tables set up with school and community organizations. In addition, our amazing Title Reading team will meet with parents at 4:30 and 5:30 for brief meetings to explain what Title reading is and answer questions. We encourage all parents K-4 to attend one of these sessions, especially if your child received Title services last year. Finally, if you have questions on FinalForms completion, transportation, or need to know who your child's teacher is, our staff in the main office will be ready to help you. We look forward to a great event welcoming all our families back!
On Wednesday, August 23 we will have our first day of school for Grades 1-5. Preschool and kindergarten will have staggered start days Wednesday and Thursday where students will attend only one of those days. Please refer to your mailings from the kindergarten and preschool teams to confirm which day your child attends. On Friday, August 25 we will welcome all kindergarteners at school and on Monday, August 28 we will welcome all preschoolers.
A reminder that doors open each morning at 8:25. Please do not drop students before this time as we do not have staff supervision available prior to 8:25. Students are to proceed directly to their classrooms where breakfast will be waiting for them. We will have multiple staff members stationed around the building to help guide students. We ask that families say their goodbyes at the school building doors.
Dismissal will begin at 3:15 for preschool, 3:20 for kindergarten and first grade, and 3:25 for all remaining students in grades 2-5. Please see the attached document to know where to pick up and drop off students. These locations have not changed from last year. In addition, if you or a designated friend or family member plans to pick up students after school, please ensure that person has a colored pick up card to ensure a safe and quicker pick up. We ask that families bring these cards with them for the first semester of school until allowable adults are known by the teaching staff. Parents and guardians can get these colored cards from homeroom teachers during open house and extras are available from Mrs. Jamie in the front office or from the teachers. Cards will only be given by school personnel to parents and guardians.
Again, we can't wait to have our BESt year yet at BES! We're ready and excited to have our students back with us!
Class assignment postcards are on their way to your mailboxes! Keep an eye out for them and scratch off the silver sticker to reveal your child's teacher for the year!
As a reminder, for BES student safety and privacy, we will not be posting class lists to our doors. We will have staff stationed at Open House with class lists as well.